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Living Earth Wall Map
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Wall Map of Satellite
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36" x 24" - $29.95
36" x 24" - $24.95
Product Highlights
Living Earth Wall Map
The Living Earth: A best seller! This image is a mosaic of hundreds of satellite images. This topographical map is both beautiful and accurate. The extent of desert is staggering, and the rich, deep oceans show up wonderfully. It displays the longitude and latitude along with "Time Clocks" that represent the different time zones around the world.

Through the use of NOAA satellites that follow a polar route, thousands of individual satellite images were combined to produce the truest image of what the Earth looks like. The mosaic, not unlike a jigsaw puzzle, was assembled over a 14 month period of time.

Also available as a great companion to this Living Earth Image is the Brilliant Earth Image, a night time version of this bestseller (see below).

More Product Details
This mosaic was made from thousands of individual satellite images combined to produce the truest image of the Earth from Space.
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